• Chinese Black Tea
    Chinese Black Tea

    Also called by many as ‘red tea’, the Chinese black tea has been enjoyed by the Chinese tea drinkers and the world for centuries. Its popularity is even soaring these days and I guess the primary reason for that is many believe that the Chinese black teas harbor profound and promising health benefits. Chinese Black Tea Basics As the name implies, the Chinese black tea originates in China and has long been used by the Chinese as part of their daily meals. The brewed black tea ranges from reddish brown to black in color. According to some resources, one of the most obvious characteristic of the Chinese black tea is that it mellows with age and grows richer and deeper in flavor.  The…

  • Herbal Teas for a Heartburn
    Herbal Teas for a Heartburn

    Try Herbal Teas! Tea has been used for thousands of years to soothe and ease a variety of health problems. In fact, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world, aside from water. Herbal teas have also proven to be a good choice for those searching for a natural heartburn herbal remedy. Black, green and red teas contain polyphenols which is an antioxidant that helps to protect our body from free radical damage. The polyphenols found in tea have been shown to provide anti-cancer properties through numerous studies. Additionally, these same studies have suggested that drinking several cups of tea each day may also reduce the risk of gastric and esophageal cancers. But not all teas are…

  • Drinking Jasmine Tea
    Drinking Jasmine Tea

    Jasmine tea is the most popular variety of flavored tea. This is, in part because Jasmine has been used to scent and flavor every variety of tea: white, black, green and oolong. So, no matter your preference in tea, there is a Jasmine tea for you. To make this delicious blend, tea artisans plucked jasmine blossoms just as they were beginning to open. Then the petals were stored in a cool place until nightfall, when the blossoms began to release their fragrance. They were then added to dry green tea leaves, to allow the dry tea leaves to absorb the fragrance. Ordinary grades of tea were scented two or three times; the special grades even more. Today, most jasmine tea is still made with green…

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